
Common questions

Who is Fernando's Wine House?

It is a company created with the aim of bringing you the finest wines and spirits. Currently, we only offer online sales, where we make our products available to wine enthusiasts worldwide.

How can I contact Fernando's Wine House?

Visit the Contact section, where you will find all the necessary information to get in touch with us via email, postal mail, or phone.

To which countries does Fernando's Wine House ship orders?

Orders for wines and spirits can be shipped to virtually any country in the world.

To which countries does Fernando's Wine House ship orders?

It depends on the destination of the order. The list below indicates the available shipping partners for each region:

  • Mainland Portugal and islands: CTT or EMS and Chronopost
  • Europe and rest of the world: CTT Expresso and Chronopost

What is the shipping cost for orders?

The shipping cost depends on the weight of the order and the delivery destination. The total shipping cost will be automatically calculated when placing your order in the online store. We do not charge anything for packaging. Please note that for orders to mainland Portugal over €80.00, the shipping cost is free.
For resellers with delivery in mainland Portugal, shipping is free if the order exceeds €150.00.

What is the delivery time for an order?

In general, an order takes 72 hours to be delivered to mainland Portugal, approximately 8 business days in Europe, and between 7 to 12 days in the rest of the world, after the payment is received.

What payment methods are accepted?

In our online store, we accept payment by bank transfer, Multibanco reference, or PayPal.

Are the prices inclusive of VAT?

Yes, all prices include VAT.

What should I do if my order arrives damaged?

If, upon delivery, you find that your order is damaged, you should immediately return it to the shipping company, properly justify the reason for the return on the delivery note, and notify us immediately through one of our available contact methods.