
Privacy policy



The website does not automatically collect any type of personal information from users who are not registered, thus allowing visitors to browse anonymously.

read, please pay attention to this Privacy Policy because, if you are accessing our website, the provision of your personal data implies the knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained herein.

This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data made by  Fernando's Winehouse. Any links to websites external to  Fernando's Winehouse are not covered by this privacy statement.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy


The data protection and privacy policy described below provides you with an overview of how Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda processes your personal data and your rights in this matter, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council - General Regulation on Data Protection ("GDPR") and other applicable legislation on privacy and data protection. The specific personal data that will be processed and how they will be used depend to a large extent on the services you have requested and agreed to you.

This data protection and privacy policy applies to the personal data of our Users of our Website, provided that they are natural persons.

Each time you use the Website you are subject to the application of the data protection and privacy policy, as well as cookies policy also described in this document, in force at all times, so we suggest that you carefully read these policies to verify that you agree with their terms.

Occasionally, We may change this Data Protection and Privacy Policy. If you want to keep up-to-date, visit this page, data that all changes will be published here.

For the purposes of the applicable legislation on data protection, namely under the terms of Art. 4, paragraph 7 of the GDPR, the company responsible for the processing of personal data is Fernando's Winehouse Lda., with registered office at Estrada Nacional N1, n.º 737, 4535-214, Mozelos - Portugal,



Delete- we will permanently delete your personal data as soon as the retention period ends or when we receive a valid request from you to do so and from that there are no legitimate interests justifying the retention of your personal data.

Personal data - any information relating to a natural person that can directly identify him or her or her or her directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier.

Customers - customers and others who Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda provides services or provides goods in the course of its activity.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - a legal instrument of the European Union that aims to harmonize European legislation on data protection. It had an effective date of application on May 25, 2018 and any references to it must be interpreted accordingly to include any legislation that amends, implements or aims at its implementation.

Site Users - any person who accesses the Fernando's Winehouse website, Lda., available in, managed by Fernando's Winehouse, Lda.



Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda collects various types of personal data according to the different purposes, as will be explained below. In any case, we point out that we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. If we detect that we have involuntarily collected personal information from children under the age of 18, we will take the necessary steps to delete the information as soon as possible, unless we are required by applicable law to retain it.

CUSTOMER DATA:  We only collect the data necessary for the preparation, fulfillment and execution of any contract entered into between the Customer and Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda., as well as to respond to any subsequent claims relating to the same. Normally, we only need to have your contact details (such as name, phone number, email address, address and postal code) to allow us to ensure that our relationship runs smoothly. We also hold information related to your online engagement, which we use to ensure that the marketing communications we send you are relevant and timely, as you consent as you have given us. We may also have information that, directly or through someone in your company, you have decided to share with us (evaluation of our services and products, allergies, physical and health conditions and dietary restrictions). If, for any reason, we need any additional personal data, you will be informed.

SITE USERS:  We only collect the data necessary to ensure a good experience in the use of the Site and to allow you to enjoy all the potentialities and faculties provided by it, as well as to help us manage the services we provide. This includes information such as how you use our website, how often you access it, your browser type, your IP address, the location from which you visit our website, the language you choose to view it and the times when our website is most popular, as well as other information better described in our cookie policy below. If you contact us through the website using, for example, the chat feature, we will collect any information you provide to us, such as your name and contact details.

Please note that the above list of categories of personal data that we may collect is not exhaustive.

In addition to the above, registration through social networks (implies the use of your social network credentials such as your login information as a user of Facebook and Google + to create your Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda account and log in with it) also allows us to collect personal data: when you use the login option through social networks, Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda will limit itself to using the public profile information that is necessary for the creation of your account on our website. Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda will not treat any information irrelevant for this purpose that it receives from social networks. Once the account is created, you will have the opportunity to complete it with any information you wish to share with us that will allow you to improve the experience when you interact with us. Any additional information you provide to us will only be used for the purposes referred to in this privacy policy.



As part of our business relationship, You will need to provide the personal data necessary to establish and create such a relationship and to comply with the pre-contractual and contractual obligations and due diligence derived from and also those that we are legally obliged to collect. Without this data, we will, as a general rule, have to refuse to enter into or perform the contract or we will not be able to maintain the contract and will have to terminate it.

If you do not provide us with the necessary information and documentation, we will not be able to establish or continue the business relationship you want, or to comply with the requests you send us.



We may collect personal data in a number of ways:

Personal data we receive directly from you if you contact us proactively, usually by phone or email; and/or if we contact you by phone or email or through business development activities more generally.

There are several ways to share your information with us. It all depends on what suits you. These may include:

- Enter your data on the Website of Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda through the form as part of the registration process; or

- Participate in a contest through a channel of a social network, such as Facebook or Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or other;

- Subscription to our newsletter or any of our events;

- Through the chat at  website.

Personal data we receive from others sources, typically through commercial due diligence or other market information, including lists of participants in relevant events. We also receive personal data from other sources, for example if you "like" our Facebook page or "follow" us on Twitter or Instagram, we will receive personal information from those websites.

To the extent that you access our Website or read or click on an email from us, where appropriate and in compliance with local laws and requirements, We may also collect your data through you or automatically. When you visit our Site there is certain information that we may collect automatically, whether or not you decide to use our services. This includes your IP address, the date, time and frequency with which you access our website and how you browse its content, all as set out in the cookie policy below. We will also collect data from you when you contact us through the Site using, for example, the functionality of chat.

We collect your data automatically through cookies, in accordance with the cookie settings of your browser. If you are also a Customer of Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda., we may use data from your use of our Sites to improve other aspects of our communications with you or the services we provide to you.

Why do we process your data (purpose of processing) and on what legal basis?

Supply of products and services:

Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may use your personal data when this is necessary to perform the contract concluded between you and Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda, as well as to identify you. We may also use your Personal Data to prevent and investigate possible misuse of your Personal Data.

Marketing Activities

We may, from time to time, send you information that we believe may be of interest to you. In particular, we may use your data for the purposes listed below, where appropriate, namely:

- allow us to develop commercial or marketing actions, namely to promote actions to disseminate new features or new products and services;

- send you data on reports, promotions, offers, events and establishing contacts;

- provide you with information about certain discounts and offers to which is entitled due to its relationship with Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda.;

- allow us to send newsletters, which may contain information regarding promotional campaigns, information about events, discounts, promotions and offers, invitations, reminders regarding your reservations, actions to disseminate new features, new products or services and to send information about participation in contests and sweepstakes, in accordance with the thematic preferences you have indicated to us, by email;

- provide you with information about personalized and exclusive offers of products and services identified based on your personal preferences and behaviors, as well as from the use of products, services and navigation on the websites.

When you have provided us with your electronic contact details in the context of the sale of a product or service, We may use them for marketing purposes to our own products and services or similar products and services. You may, however, free of charge, if you do not agree with our marketing approach, refuse to send these communications either when they are collected or when each message opts out. Regarding the sending of any other type of electronic communication, we will ask in advance for your prior and express consent. We need your consent for some aspects of these activities that are not covered by our legitimate interests (in particular, the collection of data through cookies and the provision of direct marketing to you through digital channels).

If you do not agree with our marketing approach, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. All our marketing is based on what we think will best serve our Clients and Candidates, but we are aware that we will not always get it right. We may use your data to show you advertisements from Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda and other content on other websites such as Facebook. If you do not want us to use your data in this way, please disable the "Advertising Cookies" option (see our Cookies Policy, also in this document).


Other purposes

- To store (and update when necessary) your information in our database, so that we can contact you in relation to the contracts you wish to enter into/have entered into with us;

- To offer you services or to obtain support and services from you;

- To comply with certain legal obligations;

- To help us target appropriate marketing campaigns, Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may adopt automated decisions, including profiling;

- In rare circumstances, to assist us in the declaration, exercise or defense of a right and

- To defend the vital interests of the data subject.

We may also use your personal data, if we deem it necessary to do so for the defense of our legitimate interests.


Development of products and services

Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may use your personal data for the development of its products and services. However, we will predominantly use aggregated data and statistical information for this purpose. Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda keeps track of the pages that our customers visit within the website to determine which services/products are most requested.

In this case, information is collected regarding the computer or device (including mobile devices) that you use to access it, namely your IP address, the website through which you accessed ours, the type and language of your browser, operating system, cookies, the country from which you are accessing, referring and exit pages, URL, type of platform, the number of clicks made, domain names, landing pages, pages visited and the order in which you visited them, the time spent on a particular page, the date and time you accessed our website, access errors and other similar information that your browser sends us.



A Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may use your personal data to communicate with you, in particular, to send you news related to our products or services, or to provide you with assistance in aspects related to customer support, namely to respond to and process user requests through customer service channels, as well as to monitor the quality of our service.

In this case your full name is collected, e-mail address and telephone number.

The subscription to the Newsletter Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may imply the use of personal data in order to proceed to a personalized advertising of our products and services available to the user through e-mail, notifications push through any other electronic means or third parties.

You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by following the information we provide in each communication.

Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may use data that has been identified based on your personal and behavioral preferences, which we collect from your interactions with us, either through the Site, application, helpline, as well as from the use of products, to send you personalized offers.

In this case, the following personal data will be collected: gender and preferences for services or products.

The processing of data for the purpose of profiling and market research is also based on the legitimate interest of Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda. To this end, Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda considered the interests and rights of the interested parties, and the measures adopted by the person responsible to comply with its general obligations in terms of proportionality and transparency, having concluded that:

  1. a) the impact on the fundamental rights and freedoms and guarantees of individuals is reduced;
  2. b) such treatment may be provided for from reasonable form on the part of the interested party;
  3. c) the processing of the data for the above purposes, does not give rise to exclusion, discrimination, defamation or situations that jeopardize the reputation of the holder and / or the power of negotiation.

If you consider that said treatment may generate some kind of emotional repercussion, you can exercise the right of access and/or opposition, as well as voluntarily exclude yourself without justification.

We inform you that you can limit this purpose by exercising the right of opposition by writing an email to any of the contacts indicated in "How you can contact us".


Improvement of the service made available to the user

Your Personal Data related to your purchases in our online store (, tastes and preferences may be used for the purposes of analysis, creation of user profiles, market research, quality surveys and improvement of our interaction with the customer.

We process the personal data listed above in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and other applicable legislation in this regard, basing the processing, in essence, on pre-contractual procedures and contract execution, in compliance with a legal obligation or for the satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda or protection of the vital interest of the data subject.

That is, we use and process your personal data for the management and execution of contracts or other procedures requested by the data subject (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR); in the context of a legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR); on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR) and by legal imperative or for the benefit of the public interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c) and e) GDPR).



Where appropriate and in compliance with local laws and requirements, We may share your personal data in various ways and for various reasons with the following categories of persons:

- In the course of an investigation, complaint or proceeding, to the Tax Authorities, Audit Authorities, the Administration, Public Bodies, the Court, Foreigners and Borders Services ("SEF") and the Security Forces, who are responsible for the matter and, internally, the areas or departments of Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda that collaborate in the collection of information and communication of the facts to the competent authority;

- Third party service providers who perform functions on our behalf (including external consultants, business partners and professional advisors such as lawyers, auditors and accountants, recruitment companies, technical support functions and IT consultants who carry out tests and development work on our company's technology systems);

- Third party providers of computer services and storage of outsourced documents, in cases where we have an appropriate processing contract (or similar protections);

- Marketing technology platforms and providers;

- In the event of the acquisition or disposal of business or assets, we may share your personal data with the potential acquirers of those businesses or assets

- In the case of payments, credit institutions and other payment service providers, as well as payment service providers related to payment services to whom the data is transmitted to carry out the transaction, and who may be obliged by the law of the State in which they operate, or by agreements concluded by it, to provide information on transactions to the authorities or official bodies of other countries, both inside and outside the European Union, in the context of the fight against terrorist financing, serious forms of organised crime and the prevention of money laundering.

Our website and our application provide you, In certain circumstances, social plugins from various social networks. If you decide to interact with a social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Google + (for example, by registering your account), your activity on our website or in our application will also be available to the respective social network. If you are connected to one of these social networks during your visit to our website or application or if you are interacting through one of the aforementioned social plugins, the social network may include this information to your profile on said social network, according to your privacy setting. If you wish to avoid this type of data transfer, please close your account session on the social network before entering our website or application or change the privacy setting whenever possible. We advise you to read the privacy policies of the social networks you use to obtain detailed information about the collection and transfer of personal information, to know your rights and what are the privacy settings appropriate to your profile that you should select.



We are committed to taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, accidental or unlawful alterations, loss and disclosure, or unauthorized access. For this purpose, Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda uses security systems, rules and other procedures in order to ensure the protection of your personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to the data, improper use, disclosure, loss or destruction.

If you suspect an improper use, loss or unauthorized access to your personal information, please inform us immediately.



We only keep your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which we collected it, to respond to your needs, to the requests you make to us, or to comply with our contractual and legal obligations.

To determine the period for which we store your data, we use the criteria set out below. If several criteria apply simultaneously, we will keep your personal data in accordance with the criteria that imply the retention of your personal data for a longer period of time.

  1. a) When you purchase products and services, we will keep your personal data for the duration of our business relationship, including any complaints that may arise, as well as and for a period of ten 10 years after the termination of such relationship, without prejudice to compliance with legal obligations of the controller;
  2. b) When you contact us to ask questions, request information and clarifications, we will keep your personal data for the period of time necessary to resolve your question / provide you with the information and / or clarifications requested;< / li>
  3. c) When to create a customer account, that is, when you register on our website, we will keep your data until you ask us to delete them or after a period of inactivity of two 2 years;
  4. d) When you have consented to the sending of direct marketing, we will keep your personal data for as long as the determining purpose of the collection is maintained or until you unsubscribe or ask us to delete it;
  5. < li>f) Regarding the data collected in the recruitment process, for a maximum period of five [5] years after the end of the recruitment process;
  6. g) Regarding the use of cookies, we keep them as long as it is necessary to achieve the purposes inherent to them, as detailed in the Cookies Policy;
  7. h) The period of time provided for in the applicable legislation; or
  8. i) Until the specific purpose applicable to certain data ceases to exist.

We may also retain some of your personal data to the extent that it is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations, as well as to administer or enforce our rights, in particular through recourse to judicial or administrative remedies.

In any of these situations, if there is a judicial or administrative proceeding pending, the data will be kept for the duration of the proceedings and up to six months after the final decision that may be issued.

After the aforementioned retention periods, personal data will be deleted and/or deleted in an absolutely secure manner.



One of the main objectives of the GDPR is to protect and clarify the rights of EU citizens and people in the EU with regard to to data privacy. This means that you have various rights in relation to your data, even when it has been provided to us by you. They are described in more detail below.

We will endeavour to process your request without undue delay and in any case within one month (subject to any extensions permitted by law). Please note that we may keep a record of your communications to help us resolve any issues raised by you.

Right to object: this right allows you to object to our processing of your personal data for reasons relating to your particular situation where your personal data is processed for one of the following reasons: (i) our legitimate interests; (ii) to enable us to perform a task in the public interest or exercise official authority; (iii) to send you direct marketing materials, including profiling; and (iv) scientific, historical, research or statistical purposes.

If you exercise the right to object, we will terminate the processing of the data to which you have objected, unless:

- we can demonstrate that we have mandatory legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests; or

- we are processing your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of a right.

Right to withdraw consent: If we have obtained your consent to process your personal data for certain activities (e.g. for marketing purposes), you may withdraw this consent at any time and we will cease to carry out the specific activity that you previously consented to, unless we consider that there is an alternative reason to justify the continued processing of your data by us for this purpose, in which case we will inform you of this condition.

Access Requests from the Data Subject: You can ask us, at any time, to confirm the information we have about you, as well as request additional information about the purposes of the processing, the period for which we keep your data, the existence of automated decisions, the recipients to whom the data is disclosed, among other information provided for in article 15 of the GDPR. We may ask you to verify your identity and more information about your request. If we grant you access to the information we hold about you, we will not charge you for that access unless your request is "manifestly unfounded or excessive." If you ask us for additional copies of this information, we may charge you a reasonable administrative cost where legally permitted. Where legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request. If we refuse your request, you will always be informed of the reasons for doing so.

Right to be forgotten/erasure: In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to erase your personal data. Normally, the exercise of this right must comply with one of the following criteria:

- the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we originally collected and/or processed it;

- when you have withdrawn your consent for us to process your data and there is no other valid reason for us to continue to process it;

- if you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate interests justifying it:

- the data has been unlawfully processed (i.e. in a way that does not comply with the GDPR); or

- it is necessary that the data be erased in order to comply with our legal obligations as data controller.

This right, however, does not apply, and therefore Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may continue to treat your data in a legitimate manner, where necessary:

- to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information;

- to comply with legal obligations or to perform a task in the public interest or the exercise of official authority;

- for reasons of public health in the interest of the public;

- for archival purposes, research or statisticians; or

- for the exercise or defence of a right.

When complying with a valid request for erasure of data, we will take all reasonable practical steps to erase the data.

Right to restriction of processing: In certain circumstances, you have the right to restrict our processing of your personal data. This means that we can only continue to store your data and will not be able to carry out further processing activities with it until: (i) one of the circumstances listed below is resolved; (ii) we have obtained your consent; or (iii) additional processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a right, the protection of the rights of another person or grounds of important public interest of the EU or a Member State.

The circumstances in which you are entitled to request that the restriction of the processing of your personal data are:

- in the event that you dispute the accuracy of the personal data we process about you. In this case, our processing of your personal data will be restricted for the period during which the accuracy of the data is verified;

- in the event that you object to the processing of your personal data for our legitimate interests. In this situation, you can request that the data be restricted while we check our grounds for the processing of your personal data;

- if the processing we make of your data is unlawful, but you prefer to restrict the processing we make of it instead of its erasure; e

- if we no longer need to process your personal data, but need the data for the declaration, exercise or defence of a right.

If we have shared your personal data with third parties, they will be notified of the restricted processing, unless this is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. We will, of course, notify you before lifting any restriction on the processing of your personal data.

Right to rectification: You have the right to ask us to rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal data we hold about you. If we have shared such personal data with third parties, they will be notified of the rectification, unless this is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. Where appropriate, we will also disclose to you to which third parties we disclose inaccurate or incomplete personal data. In cases where we consider it reasonable not to comply with your request, we will explain the reasons for the decision. It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please let us know if there are changes to your personal information during the period in which we keep your data.

Right to data portability: If you so wish, you have the right to transfer your personal data between controllers. This means that you can transfer your Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda account data to another online platform. To enable you to do so, we will provide you with your data in a commonly used machine-readable password-protected format so that you can transfer the data to another online platform. Alternatively, we may transfer the data directly for you. This right to data portability applies to: (i) personal data that we process automatically (i.e. without any human intervention); (ii) personal data provided by you; and (iii) personal data that we process on the basis of your consent or to fulfil a contract.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority, which in Portugal is the National Data Protection Commission and whose contact details are:

National Data Protection Commission

Address: Av, D. Carlos I, 134 – 1º, 1200-651 Lisboa

E-mail: [email protected]


If you wish to exercise any of these rights or withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data (if consent is our legal basis to process your personal data), please contact us. Please note that we may keep a record of your communications to help us resolve any issues raised by you.

How you can contact us

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, you suspect misuse, loss or unauthorised access, if you need additional clarification about this Data Protection and Privacy Policy or have any comments or suggestions regarding it, you can contact us at the following address:

Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda
Estrada Nacional N1 n.º 737

4535-214, Mozelos - Portugal

Alternatively, you can send us an e-mail to: [email protected]

Contacts of the DATA PROTECTION OFFICER of Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda:

Fernando's Winehouse Unip. Lda.
A/c. do Responsável pela Proteção de Dados
Estrada Nacional N1 n.º 737

4535-214, Mozelos - Portugal

[email protected]



The transmission of data to other countries (countries outside the European Union) only occurs if this is necessary for the execution of your orders or orders (for example, payment orders or shipment of products), by legal requirement or if you have granted us an express authorization for this purpose. In the event that it is necessary to use service providers from third countries, they will be obliged to comply with the written instructions in this matter, by signing an agreement with the standard contractual clauses of the European Union, in order to comply with the level of data protection applicable in the European Union. You will receive separately detailed information from us, where defined by law. We want to ensure that your data is stored and transferred in a secure manner. Therefore, we will only transfer data outside the European Economic Area or EEA (i.e. the Member States of the European Union, together with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) where this is in accordance with data protection legislation and the means of transfer provide adequate safeguards in relation to your data, for example:

- by means of a data transfer contract, which incorporates the current standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission for the transfer of personal data by data controllers in the EEA to controllers and processors in jurisdictions that lack adequate data protection laws; or

- by adhering to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework for the transfer of personal data from entities in the EU to entities in the United States of America or any equivalent agreement relating to other jurisdictions; or

- by transferring your data to a country where the European Commission has recorded a finding of an adequate level of protection in relation to the data protection levels of that country through its legislation; or

- if you have consented to the transfer of data.

To ensure that your personal data receives an adequate level of protection, we have applied appropriate procedures with the third parties with whom we share your personal data to ensure that your personal information is treated by those third parties in a manner that is consistent with and respects data protection law.

Warranties and warnings

The user guarantees that the personal data communicated to Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda are certain and accurate and undertakes to notify any change or modification thereto and assumes exclusive responsibility for the losses and damages caused by the erroneous communication, inaccurate or incomplete data. The user is expressly warned that when disclosing personal data in public means of Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda such as Facebook, Google +, Twitter and Instagram, this information may be seen and used by third parties. Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda does not read any personal communication published on its customers' own websites.



The website of Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda is optimized for viewing with the internet browsers Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.



What is a cookie?

A "cookie" is an information file that is stored on the hard drive of the your computer and that records your browsing on a site so that when you revisit that site, you can present personalized options based on the information stored about your last visit. We may also use cookies on our website to analyse traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes, which do not harm your system,

If you wish to check or change the type of cookies you accept, you can do so in your browser settings.


How do we use cookies?

We use cookies to do two things to track your use of our website. This allows us to understand how you use the site and track any patterns that arise individually or from larger groups, which will help us develop and improve our site and services in response to what our visitors want and need;


Cookies are:

Session cookies: these are only stored on your computer during your web session and are automatically deleted when you close your browser - they usually store an anonymous session ID allowing you to browse a website without having to log in to each page, but they do not collect any information from your computer; 

persistent cookies: they are stored as a file on your computer and remain when you close your web browser. The cookie can be read by the website that created it when you revisit that website. We use persistent cookies from Google Analytics, Facebook and Mailchimp.

Strictly necessary cookies:  They are essential to allow you to use the site effectively, they cannot be disabled. Without these cookies, the services that are made available to you on the website cannot be provided. These cookies do not collect information about you that can be used for marketing.

Performance cookies:  These cookies allow us to monitor and improve the performance of our website. For example, they allow us to count visits, identify traffic sources and see which parts of the website are most popular.

Functionality cookies:  They allow our site to remember the choices you make (such as your username, language or region where you are) and provide enhanced functionality. For example, we may provide you with relevant news or updates on our website. These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made to text size, font and other parts of web pages that you can customise. They may also be used to provide services you have requested, such as viewing a video. The information these cookies collect is usually anonymised.

Personalization cookies:  These cookies are persistent (as long as you are registered with us) and mean that when you log in or return to the site you may see advertisements similar to those you have previously browsed.



In accordance with Law no. 41/2004 of 18 August, the storage of information and the possibility of access to the information stored in a user's terminal equipment (namely through cookies) are only carried out by Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda if the user has given his prior and express consent to the installation of cookies on his equipment, so we ask him, prior to the use of the websites, that you accept this Privacy and Cookies Policy.

How can I prevent the use of Cookies on websites?

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies by TPF at any time, deleting the cookies stored on your computer through the configuration options of your Internet browser.

You can consult this information for major Internet browsers at the following addresses:

Chrome: in

Explorer: in

Firefox: in

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Safari: in

Finally, if you wish to have greater control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as "do not track" tools, which will allow you to choose the cookies you wish to allow.

In case of blocking or not authorizing the use of cookies, no cookie will be stored on your device, but the proper functioning of our websites is not guaranteed, so the customer cannot derive maximum benefit from the contents made available on NICI's websites, and with each new access to the website, you will always be asked for authorization for the use of cookies.



It may sometimes be necessary for us to process personal data and, where appropriate and in accordance with local laws and requirements, sensitive personal data in relation to the exercise or defence of rights. Article 9(2)(f) GDPR allows this processing where it "is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a right in a judicial proceeding or where the courts act in the exercise of their judicial function".

This may arise, for example, in cases where we have a need to obtain legal advice in relation to legal proceedings or where we are required by law to retain or disclose certain information as part of a legal process.



Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda may occasionally change this statement and its Privacy Policy to reflect the image of the company and customer feedback. We encourage our customers to periodically review our Privacy Policy, to be updated on how Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda protects their information, without prejudice to informing you whenever there are relevant changes in our Privacy Policy.



A Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda appreciates your comments regarding this Data Protection and Privacy Policy. If you believe that Fernando's Winehouse Unip, Lda does not comply with this statement, please contact us for the contacts indicated above.